The parole of a shy person: October 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween plans

Last year, I spent Halloween working in NYC. I watched someone walk by shivering in nothing but a wonder woman costume in sub-50 degree weather. I think this year, I'm going to put on some comfortable shoes, lug my camera and a flash with me and pretend to be a photographer.

Yeah, big stretch since that's what I am doing a lot of lately. Regardless, I doubt I'll be the only person doing that this year. I look forward to seeing what every else will be wearing as they try to win best (or worst) costume at some party they'll be off to.

We'll see what kind of pictures I'll be able to get. If nothing else, it ought to be fun.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How I ended up in charge

I'm still here. I've been sorting through all the pictures that were taken over this past weekend. Nothing quite like driving past shotgun wielding MP's to make one consider whether one has done something wrong lately. Unfortunately, I am prohibited from sharing the pictures here, so I can only talk about it generally.

There was something I hadn't planned on happened as the event unfolded. Being the person nominally in charge of all the other photographers, I kept having to do something I don't enjoy doing. I was managing. I was also responsible for directing everyone I brought in on what to do, where to do those things, and when to do their thing.

Add to that the host's need to have a point of contact, and I just kept running around putting out little brush fires. Honestly, I would have much rather been taking pictures than handling issues that arose during the course of the event.

Unfortunately, I wasn't fated to take pictures. The few that I have are mostly those wide angle setting-the-tone shots that kind of give you an idea of how big the event was. The good news is that we were successful in doing what we were brought in to do. I just didn't enjoy what I was doing.

I wish I could share more, but those are restrictions I agreed to by taking this job. Well, I'm off to get into more trouble with women I suppose.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Crazy plans

I've never been as preoccupied with a pending photoshoot as the one that is coming next weekend. Midway through September, I was in touch with a non-profit organization that was considering to use my services to cover their upcoming event.

After a week's discussion, I was selected as their photographer. The only thing is that they wanted me to contract three more photographers to work with me. These past two weeks, I have been quietly contacting area photographers to see whose services I could obtain for this weekend.

I've had to chase down photographers, some not even in the country at that point, to see if they would be willing. This is what I get for responding yes to the question, "Do you think you could do it better?" If my hair were long enough, I'd have pulled it all out by now.

So, the concept is to have three photographers doing portraits of the attendees and one photographer shooting photos of the overall event. I am not sure I look forward to doing the event or look forward to the day after the event.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Imogen Heap acapella

A friend of mine pointed me out to a video of Imogen Heap. I had heard her music before, but never had an opportunity to witness her skill in creating music alone. I was blown away by what she could do. Here is the video of Imogen Heap performing Just For Now acapella.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Fixing the laptop

Quite the indian summer we're having right now. It's early October and I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt. If it weren't for the high pollen counts, I would actually enjoy it all.

So, as I mentioned in this previous post, I am without laptop. I hadn't realized how dependent I had become of it. In fact, it has been pretty hard to record my thoughts for blogging wihtout something nearby to type them into.

Hopefully, that should change soon. I found this relatively cheap hard drive for $80 that holds 120Gb of data. Or roughly four times what the old one held. And it's faster too.

Probably the only thing I don't look forward to is re-installing all the software. I figure that it'll take me two days to put everything I use back in there. Well, no pain, no gain as they say. It should be arriving on Monday.