The parole of a shy person: October 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

Back Atcha!

I had heard of the figure of speech, throwing words back at someone.  However, I've never understood why people would do that.  I didn't that is until I got into a disagreement with my supervisor who had said I did something wrong and after some discussion on the situation, said I had done all the right things but still tried to place the blame on me.

For the first time, I truly understood the satisfaction one can get in throwing someone's words back at them.  It was probably not the best tactic to take with a superior, but I was annoyed that they tried to place blame on me for something that I did correctly when a situation at work took a turn for the worse.  And I had been quietly taking crap from this person for some time now.  The best part was that our entire conversation happened out in the open in front of several witnesses.

No amount of mealy mouthed apologies would get around the fact that they made themselves look like fools in front of others.  And best of all, I kept my cool during the entire conversation while turning the blame session back on the person who tried to dish it.  It makes me petty, but for once, I don't care.  Back atcha biotch!