The parole of a shy person: Whew, I need a break.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Whew, I need a break.

I've been busy this past week. Part of it is because I was working on the post production of the photos I took this past weekend, part of it is because my laptop hard drive decided that after doing all that work, that it had enough and gave up working. So, all that hard work had to be redone a second time around.

Oddly enough, the realization that I had lost all that hard work, plus a month's worth of class notes just before I had to take the first tests for the semester only sparked mild irritation. So much has gone on in thes past two years that this disaster didn't even faze me. I wonder if I am becoming innurred to this type of catastrophe.

Probably what is most depressing to me (actually, more like discouraging and disheartening) is that I was introduced to this photographer's work this week and I realize that I have a loooooong way to go before I can feel that I am at that level of skill and talent. That' won't stop me from setting the bar that high for the work I do in the future.

Ironically, it might also set me up to fail. I wonder if I have the creative vision that this young man has. At little more than half my age, he is travelling the world, earning money doing the things I want to be doing. I guess it must be nice to know what you want to do when you're young.

Which brings to mind that as nice as it is to have large amounts of ability, this excess of ability can make it hard for someone to decide what it is they want to do and stick with it. I mean look at me. I've done so much and I feel like I've accomplished so little. I look at this young talented teenager and I am floored by what he has already accomplished. I think it is time to start making up lost ground. A life without risk is one not worth living, as they say.


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