The parole of a shy person: This bobble head isn't a saint

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This bobble head isn't a saint

I've been waiting for the diaspora of resumes I sent out to catch the attention of some HR person who will contact me for an interview. Meanwhile, I decided to make the best of my unplanned vacation and seize a bit of the essence of summer before it was over. I went to the beach.

I am still on an early morning schedule, so when I arrived, I walked to a desolate section of the beach and picked a spot near the dunes. I truly dislike getting sand blown into my face as I read while collecting the rays, turning every fifteen minutes like a rotisserie chicken. So, I set up a wind break and started to read. I figure that a few turns of the roast chi--, I mean, switching sides passed when I decided to go for a quick swim to cool off.

By now, my desolate section of beach was no longer desolate, as several sunbathers had chosen to set up like an expanding wave from my wind break. As I started to head to the ocean, I realized that many of these sunbathers were women. Which was not so unusual. What struck me as unusual was that more than a dozen of these females were topless.

It was a monumental task to keep my head from swiveling left and right like a bobble head. I know it's poor etiquette to stare, but what caused so many of them to form up around me? I was unable to focus on the book I was reading after I returned from my short swim. I mean, I'm a man, not a saint.

Anyway, after about an hour of trying to keep my eyes on the pages of the book only to find them straying to my sunbathing neighbors, I gave up and headed back to the car. Nothing a cold shower couldn't fix. Now, it's time to head off to class.


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