The parole of a shy person: I feel like superman today.

Friday, December 02, 2005

I feel like superman today.

I'm wondering if it's just me. Today, I have suddenly accomplished a large number of tasks and errands that, prior to this moment, I have been too unmotivated to do. It's nearing midnight and I still have this feeling that I am very sharp and should apply myself to something weighty and challenging. I feel like I should go solve something difficult merely because I can. It's been like this all day. A feeling that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. Like walking through a wall. Honest. (Ok, fortunately for me, this wall also has a door. And I plan to walk through that, just to be on the safe side.)

I swear on everything that I hold of value, I am sober right now and not taking any mind altering drugs (and that includes caffiene). Does anyone else get these crystal clear moments of superactivity? Or is there something wrong with me?


At December 03, 2005 9:00 AM, Blogger JM said...

Sometimes while I'm studying, I get this sudden sense of understanding. Although I've read some of the material several times, the connection didn't click-until those moments of crystal clarity.
I know what you mean about that. Sometimes suddenly and out of nowhere, these feelings of invincibility hit. It's almost like a high, but also a burst of sudden energy. And with it at times comes a feeling of "everything is going to be alright".

At December 03, 2005 11:04 AM, Blogger alannajoy said...

Isn't it wonderful when you get that feeling... You feel like you can conquer the world and take on anything. Like you need to just DO SOMETHING..Whatever that SOMETHING is... I bet it will be great.


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