The parole of a shy person: T-day recap

Friday, November 25, 2005

T-day recap

I have to say, Thanksgiving was fun (except for the two hours of traffic to go 30 miles), and as I suspected, I ate waaaaaay too much food. Nearly 12 hours of eating to be more precise. It started with the seafood and rice stew/porridge (they call it congee in english I think) with petrified thousand year old eggs (smells positively unappealing, but when you eat it, it tastes awesome, and these eggs are usually buried in a mud that causes them to become the way they are, they're not really a thousand years old.), to the fried buffalo chicken wings, the steamed rice cake with meat toppings...

I should observe now that this is not the crappy tasting rice cakes every dieter has probably tasted. It's kind of like rice flour mixed with water and oil and some other stuff to make this cake. Back to my description:

steamed roast pork buns, chicken stuffed bread, steamed vegetables, pasta, roast chicken, beef (I'll not mention what parts to protect those with delicate digestion), and went to the pastries, cookies, chocolate cake, almond jello, various kinds of cheese cake, apple pie, pumpkin pie, chocolate covered strawberries, smores, and other delectable delights. Oh, did I mention turkey, a hock of ham, cranberry sauce, turkey gravy, stuffing, and candied yams? As big as my extended family has become, there's a smorgasborg of different culinary styles all mishmashed together. Can you tell that I am thinking on my stomach?

So, anyway, I fattened myself up quite nicely yesterday. I enjoyed myself and had some fun as I said before. And I slept in this morning until noon. If I felt any better, I might start floating off the ground. Time to get ready for the gathering at my parent's place. Hope everyone else enjoyed such a fantastic day of giving thanks.


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