The parole of a shy person: What do I want from women?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What do I want from women?

I have been thinking lately, especially at those moments when I am supposed to be completing my course work (like now) and can't muster the energy to do it. I've been thinking about what exactly it is that I am desiring. When you get right down to it, the course work for an engineering education is not exactly a walk in the park. I often find myself doing class work on weekends, when I wake up at 7 a.m. on weekdays and before I sleep at 1 a.m. Ok, ok. I admit it. When I get frustrated on a problem, I take my mind off of it and write what I am thinking about for inclusion in this blog. This can interupt my train of thought long enough to get back to work with a fresh perspective.

Mostly, I am engaged in very solitary activities right now. I don't get to socialize much or watch the latest, hot new prime time soap saga. To be honest, I've only seen snippets of one Sex in the City show, and that was seen when I went over to someone's house to fix their broken internet connection. Lost is supposed to be a good show, too. I don't even know what channel it is on or what times it airs. In fact, since I was laid off, I can't remember the last time I watched anything on tv. Pretty sad, right?

My social skills are quickly becoming more and more anachronistic as I immerse myself in turning myself into an engineer. It's no secret that watching soap operas, talk shows, and the latest in prime time visual addictions hones your social skills and gives you a safe common ground to work from when you start a relationship of any kind. Shared experience is always the key to meeting someone new and keeping that person engaged in a conversation with you.

With that said, while I know what conductance is and what siemens (units of conductance) are, I don't know one whit about the latest tv or movie star and why they are now in the news. And for some strange reason, women aren't rushing headlong into this program to get a degree. Add that to my soul sucking job, and I am already five years out of touch with what is currently in fashion.

So back to the point. With so little free time, the glaring lack of females within 1000 feet of the building I spend most of my waking hours in (I exaggerate, of course, one wing of the building is devoted to chemistry, and the nursing program sends all their nurses-to-be for some classes in chemistry), why would I even look for a relationship with the opposite sex? Well, I sort of answered that. To keep me in touch with the rest of humanity. The thing that keeps this from working splendidly for me is that I know any relationship is two way and something you need to constantly work on. It is never finished. There is always more to work on.

What do I desire? I desire a female companion who keeps me in touch with the rest of the world, is supportive, understanding and only wants my affection and time when I have some to give to her. And well, I also desire the physical aspects of having a relationship, if you know what I mean. I know, I know, everyone reading this would be trying to hide their sarcastic smiles and snickers.

What a dilemna. My desires are contray to what I know. Perhaps there is more to learn about relationships that will allow my desires to coexist with my knowledge of relationships. Maybe pigs might grow wings and learn what being airborne is about.


At November 23, 2005 10:42 PM, Blogger alannajoy said...

I think that if a person wants something bad enough, they will make the time for it in their lives and it will show...

Take a break from ur studies and LIVE a little... You are only young once! (plus it seems that you've got a lot of this engineering stuff down pretty tight as it is)

At November 24, 2005 9:45 AM, Blogger Grant said...

hahhaha. I think I was just told to get a life. ;)

I am officially on break today.


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