The parole of a shy person: January 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

That's a good blackmail picture

I'm finally (mostly) recovered from the flu. It feels wonderful to be able to function again and step outside without carrying a full box of tissues. Being cooped up in my room for so long was giving me a severe case of cabin fever. I'm also kind of glad that the weather turned out so nicely, considering the dusting of snow we had last night.

This past weekend, I actually had to drag myself out of bed and go to work. Unfortunately, no matter how sick I was, bills still needed paying and that only happens if I have a continuous source of income. So, I found myself in Connecticut (again!), taking pictures of another young woman and her friends as she celebrated her coming of age.

During the down times, it was all I could do to lean against the wall hoping that the room would stop spinning long enough for me to concentrate on taking pictures. It was at this point that the guest of honor's older sister and her small group of friends asked for a picture. As I struggled to concentrate, she added a twist to the request. Instead of wanting me to take the picture, she wanted me in it.

This was a first for me. A guest at a party wanting me to be in their picture instead of taking it? How odd. Stranger still, there were several professional male dancers/entertainers whom her parents had hired to look good and keep the guests occupied. I'd have a hard time proving that I'm bad to look at, but I'm not even in the same class as these guys. I mean, if I suck in my gut, I might look as skinny as they were. Whom, I might add, should have kept older sister and her friends attention.

I couldn't say "No" when I am paid to be there. Well, anyway, I am in a picture on someone else's camera. Surrounded by four lovely looking, teenage girls. Who are all likely to be about half my age. I can almost hear the click of the handcuffs already. Talk about a blackmail picture!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Skin Deep

I woke up before sunrise this morning with a mostly clear head after being laid out for the past three days thanks to a co-worker who had shared his bad cough with me on a two hour drive into Connecticut. I had been on a regimen of foul tasting, ancient Chinese herbal remedies because I couldn't get to a doctor over the weekend.

As I boiled the stuff up, it looked like a roiling brew of black mud. It smelled horrible too. And tasted worse. However, whatever is in there definitely works. Either that or the eighteen hours of sleep I managed each day.

Anyway, I had intended to post during the weekend to ring in the new year, but that plan, along with the topic I had in mind eluded me during my illness. However, in my sickened state, I had another thought that I wanted to share.

Dresses can cover a multitude of things that women find defective with themselves.

Where did that come from, you ask? I was photographing a wedding this weekend prior to getting sick. When I was working with the bride, she had complained about her need to lose some weight, that she had fat thighs, large derriere etc. She was unhappy with her physical image.

I wanted to point out at this moment that I didn't see the same image of her that she saw of herself. She wasn't slender, but she also wasn't tall, rather she was full figured. However, once she put on her wedding dress, the things she complained about were covered by the dress. Now, she looked like a radiant and beautiful woman on her most important day.

In effect, I guess I am saying that beauty is skin deep, and the reason her groom was marrying her wasn't because of what she saw as physical defects, but for the personality within.

*shrug* I don't know where I am going with this, and I am suddenly tired again. I guess I'll share this thought and see if I get reamed by all the feminists out there.