The parole of a shy person: So Relaxed!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

So Relaxed!

I spent the past three day doing things that didn't involve work, school work or dealing with clients. I was fortunate that I had decent weather most of the time I was off. Best of all, yesterday was such a beautiful day with temperatures that undoubtedly hit the sixties. By late last night, as I was playing pool with some friends, I realized that I had such a relaxed grin on my face because I was entirely enjoying the time I had given back to myself. Worries could and would have to wait until the next morning.

While I doubt I'm ready to go back into the crush of school and work, I don't have much choice if I want to achieve the goals I set for myself. I suppose I will have to take this extended respite as time to recharge. Here's a brief list of some things I did during this welcome break from the real world:
  • Sleep waaaay past my normal wake up time
  • Went hiking on a local state park trail
  • Took pictures while on the trail
  • Slept some more
  • Played a mindless computer game loosely based on risk (ok it wasn't so mindless)
  • Read a book that had been on my to read list
  • Did a couple of crossword puzzles and some sudoku from the newspaper
  • Did I mention sleep yet?
  • Went to Panera bread and just watched people rushing about
  • Cooked a tasty meal for myself
  • Hiked another trail in another local state park
  • Oh yeah, that sleep thing I may have mentioned previously
As you can clearly see, I collected plenty of sleep during these past three days, which is probably the real reason I am in such good spirits. I also avoided the regular people I see on a daily basis simply so that we all could get some breathing space. I renewed some friendships that had flagged as the hectic pace caught me up and carried me away from them. Otherwise, I avoided interaction with other human beings. So, we start the grind again on Monday.

But before I go, I leave you with this awesome picture I took while hiking. It is undisturbed (prior to my walking on it) trail still covered from the recent snow we received early last week. By the time I post this picture, that bit of winter wonderland will have already melted.
I apologize for all the watermarking, but Google's TOS is makes me leery of posting it without some restrictions on its commercial use.


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