The parole of a shy person: The weather made me do it...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The weather made me do it...

I'm not in class today, and I fully intend to lay blame on the weather. Here in New York, we received about three inches of snow followed by freezing rain. That freezing rain continues to fall and solidify on the ground and roads.

When I walked out onto three inches of ice capped snow, that nearly convinced me to stay home instead of going to class. I spent the next twenty minutes in freezing rain chipping half inch thick ice off my windows and doors, which almost convinced me. As I opened my car door to start the engine, I heard the sirens of a firetruck and an ambulance, and that convinced me to stay home.

So, I'm home today, looking like I just dunked my head in a bucket of water and I seriously doubt that I will venture into work today either. I have more of this alien feeling free time again. What to do?

Good thing I don't have any reservations tonight. *innocent*


At February 15, 2007 11:44 PM, Blogger JM said...

My friend from Brooklyn called and told me she had to shovel the pathway to the apartments she owns twice!!


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