The parole of a shy person: Making life <b>more</b> interesting

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Making life more interesting

I should be asleep right now. Especially after waking up to see the sun rise yesterday to attend an engineering conference and then meeting up with my friend for an extended roleplaying session. I have to work tomorrow and then go off to a house warming party of another friend tonight. But, my allergies decided to act up and I feel like I am trying to breathe with a hundred cotton balls stuffed up each nostril. I am waiting for my usual conction of psuedo-ephedrine and antihistamine to kick in so I can actually get some sleep without asphyxiating. I would surely enjoy spring and the increasingly warmer temperatures more if it weren't for my allergies.

However, since I am awake, I might as well update everyone on what's gone on since Tuesday. Thirty minutes will seem much shorter if I am keeping busy. (Besides attempting to breathe, of course.) During my "recap" I had mentioned that my prospects for relationships had been improving. I hadn't realized how much of an improvement until today. Here's a taste of what I am seeing:

Engineering girl has been really friendly of late, and I am pretty much spending a large portion of my time with her. I know, I know. I should be waiting and seeing what goes on with her situation before doing anything. And I am waiting. She just seems to show up at just about everything I am doing lately. She attended the engineering conference, as she is also a potential engineer, and we spent most of it sitting side by side at every presentation. During a break between our classes, I offered to go pick up food for a group of my friends and she volunteered to come along to help me carry the food back. I have to say that I enjoyed having someone to go there with and talk to as I waited for all that food to be cooked.

I am trying carefully to walk that tightrope of being friendly and not being too friendly. I am teetering all over the place as I try to maintain this balance. I admit it, I have been very guilty of bestowing a growing number of smiles on her and I may reap what I am sowing. The question is whether this harvest will be tainted by a previous relationship.

Earlier tonight, I went to my friend's place and we engaged in another session of roleplaying as I had alluded to earlier. MK was there again and she was starting to get into her character. We were playing for a couple of hours before everyone became hungry. At this point, I was sent out with MK to do a Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's run. (We're really trying to buck this trend of eating healthy, you see. Ok, it's really because at midnight, they were the only places nearby that were open.) Well, during the drive to Dunkin' Donuts and then to McD's, I learned more about MK.

I learned that she teaches high school math and has a degree in applied math and a minor in education. We had this meaningful conversation where we shared parts of our past with each other. She's a tomboy who likes lifting weights and has been really enjoying our sessions where she gets a chance to really have some geeky fun. I appreciate how she can sound like a cute little girl one minute and then at the next, speak with a level of sophistication that exhibits her raw intellect. Did I mention that she is asian and also rather pretty?

I actually look forward to talking to her and I am thinking that it's kind of scary, since I don't know her all that well. I don't think that I have begun to scratch beneath the surface with her, considering what I have already seen of her complex personality. I am also not sure whether or not I am looking merely at her physical beauty and ascribing to her a greater level of interest and favor than she has earned. What's more, I sense that she is quite capable of recognizing what I am feeling and is able to tailor herself in an automatic way that makes it easy for me to spend time with her.

I suddenly find myself with choices. I can only wonder what I am doing to myself by letting my mind wander from the focus of gaining that piece of paper that lays claim to the fact that I might have learned something, also known as a college degree. I have this feeling that I am not quite done with interesting months as of yet.


At May 06, 2006 12:45 PM, Blogger JM said...

Good luck with Engineering girl!!! I hope it works out. She volunteered to go with you, so that is definitely a sign of interest.

At May 07, 2006 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its all so complicated isn't it?

I keep hoping things will get easier, but the fact of the matter seems to be that they just get more confusing as time passes!

At May 09, 2006 11:25 AM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Sounds like they are both interested in you. Sounds like a pretty good problem to have.

At May 10, 2006 12:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Nothing like good prospects in the romance department to keep life interesting. You're quite the woman magnet. :)

At May 10, 2006 10:06 PM, Blogger Marissa said...

This all sounds so exciting - this is definitely a great problem to have. keep us posted!


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