The parole of a shy person: Will there be a Phoenix someday?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Will there be a Phoenix someday?

Today, I watched as the remains of my car was towed away to the junk yard. With it, went the dreams of being an engineer. I paused for a moment, giving both a moment of silence as they went on their way to their respective boneyards. One will be crushed into a small box after everything of value has been stripped outof it. The other, well, I can only wonder if there will ever be another opportunity to resurrect that dream from that boneyard of broken dreams.

In my hands, resides the measely offerring for the scrap metal that once was a car. I suppose it will be seed money for the next car. Tomorrow, I go to the DMV and hand in the bent metal plates that once identified my car. Hopefully, I can retrieve the last insurance payment I made two weeks ago from the insurance company. That would help me a bit.

I have been sleeping a lot lately. It's my way of retreating from this world. A world that gave me the opportunity to become an engineer and then in one fell swoop, took both my dreams and the one large material possession I had left. Still, I want to thank everyone who has commented and tried to cheer me up. Every bit helps.

I have made an appointment to speak to some HR person from a company that specializes in phone support. I'm overqualified for the position, but if I can save enough, maybe, just maybe, my dreams won't be as dead as I think they are now. Who knows what the future really holds for me in this respect?

I also have to say that several of my friends have called me today to see what happened to me when I didn't show up for classes, which kind of takes the sting out of this, knowing that I am missed. (I had to miss some classes today waiting for that tow truck.) And I can still smile, as one of my friends commented that the girl I have been flirting with said that she was annoyed that I didn't show up. Apparently, I didn't hide my interest as well as I thought. Perhaps all is not lost.


At April 04, 2006 11:58 AM, Blogger JM said...

I hope thingn start looking up for you buddy!

At April 04, 2006 3:19 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

Wow. Sorry about everything that has been happening to you lately. I wish there was something more i could say. But I hope it starts getting better.


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