The parole of a shy person: How to a memorable night is made through foolishness.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

How to a memorable night is made through foolishness.

I'm exhausted right now. I worked back to back Friday night and Saturday morning. I had all of two hours of sleep between them and my body still hasn't recovered from the loss of sleep.

I'm not really writing today because of my prodigious yawns that make my jaw ache. I just wanted to throw some thoughts on line before I forget them from working on the significant amount of photos I took yesterday. Both because they amused me, and because one young woman decided to make Friday night's job most memorable for me. I'm sure the rest of the crew and the families who were there will remember it with some amusement too.

Friday night was a small party intended to welcome guests arriving for a couple's wedding on Saturday. I wasn't there as a photographer, but to operate some intelligent lighting for my DJ company. Yes, the same one that I recently complained about. While I can't stand the company, I can't deny that I have fun at the events.

Back to the story and what made it so memorable for me. This party was for a young couple getting married, and some of the bridesmaids were still in college. For most of the evening, all of the guests acted like wallflowers, unwilling to dance. In fact, they spent much of their time either chatting at their tables or beside the buffet tables. However, the bridesmaids and their significant others happened to be perched at a table in direct line of sight to the DJ booth.

And yes, we were well aware that they were there. More so, we spent much of the night watching this one couple. This couple whom I won't describe very closely beyond saying they were attractive and very much, how shall I say it delicately, in touch with each other. He spent much of the night trying to sneak his hand up her light blue dress while she tried to vigilantly watch us to make sure we couldn't see what she was wearing under the dress.

I would look in the other direction and as soon as I turned their way, she would hop up off his lap while he tried to keep his hand in contact with her inner leg. As the night wore on, she became less vigilant, and we eventually saw what she was wearing as she had more drinks in her system. Let's just say that they were white.

I admit that I would have been content to have seen that much and call it a good night. Except, near the end of the party, the couple disappeared for a while. When the party started to wind down, family members were lining up on the dance floor for pictures, and the young woman came back to take pictures.

This young lady, which I suppose I am loosely defining here, tried taking a picture. She decided that she wanted a different perspective and squatted down to get an angle from below. It was at this time the DJ nudged me to look. I realized that she wasn't wearing white underneath anymore. Not only was she no longer wearing underwear, she was quite flushed. And I'm not talking about her face.

Without a doubt, the people she was taking a picture had the best, direct view of her most personal body parts. After she left, I listened to the family talk as we packed away the lights. They were well aware of it and had a few laughs. I am sorry to say I don't know how the wedding went (nor her reaction upon learning what everyone had seen) on the next day, as I went on to another job.


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