The parole of a shy person: Some Random Thoughts

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

Last night, I called into work and told them I'd be an hour late arriving to work. In that hour before I went to work, I went with some friends to a local pub and celebrated someone's 21st birthday. I spent an hour without straining to learn something new, thinking about nothing beyond laughing at the silly antics of my drunken friends. I had forgotten how fun it was to do this.

All work and no play does make Grant a dull boy to paraphrase that cliched aphorism. With few days off, piles of school work and working long hours at night, I haven't gone and hung out with any friends in a couple of months. I hadn't realized how much my morale had flagged until I joined my friends at that pub. I spent an hour laughing and enjoying the company of friends.

When I arrived at work, I realized that I was happy. I had a bounce in my step that I hadn't had in weeks. I sped through the work I had assigned to me without realizing I had done it all.

Amusingly, today being halloween, I noticed that the axiom I chose to use is also the same quote out of the movie The Shining. I won't be home to scare any kids tonight though. Instead, I'll be working. (Boo!) Anybody want to share their candy with me?

Speaking of halloween, I was in downtown Manhattan on Saturday night loading the truck after a party and saw trick or treaters were out in force despite the weather. One in particular caught the eye of one crew mate, who then alerted the rest of us. This girl was dressed as Wonder Woman. The real wonder of it was that she was only wearing the costume in sub-fifty degree weather with wind gusts over forty miles per hour.

I can't imagine how cold she was, but I was wearing a winter jacket while doing the loading. As I entered the warm cab of the truck, I watched her shivering uncontrollably as her male friend flagged down a taxi cab. What women do to look good just baffles me at times.

So, that's a couple of random thoughts from me as I close out this month of unceasing busyness. How are things with everyone else?


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