The parole of a shy person: To Crash a Wedding...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

To Crash a Wedding...

As tropical depression Ernesto rolled into town, I crashed a wedding reception. That's right. I am now a wedding crasher. And no, I've never seen the movie. Though someone mentioned that I looked like Vince Vaughn while I was at the wedding.

I showed up at a wedding that I knew about through conversation I had with the groom's father. In fact, he even invited me to the cocktail hour so that we could play a (cruel?) trick on his son. I was going to introduce myself as his long lost, older half brother. I even had an idea of what the wedding party was going to wear, so I picked up a similar vest and euro tie.

Think what you may, I never got around to formally introducing myself to the groom, so the joke wasn't played upon the unsuspecting groom. Let's just say that he darted a few glances my way throughout the evening as he was dancing with his newly wedded bride. And when I walked up to take a picture of the groom dancing with his mother, he paused long enough to let me snap the picture.

Instead, I made sure that I was on the video tape they made of the reception and that the wedding photographer caught a few pictures of me in the background having a grand old time. I danced with the guests. I danced with the groom's mother. And, I also danced with the bride's mother. I congratulated the groom's grandmother and I drank some shots with a few of the ushers.

However, I made sure that many of the guests knew the true story and made sure they all knew I was crashing the wedding. They probably had a better laugh out of the evening knowing that the groom and bride will have to puzzle out whose side of the family I was on when they return from their honeymoon. Best of all, most of the bridal party knew the truth about my attendance as well. So many of them found it quite amusing that I was "crashing" the party.

Everyone I talked to eagerly looked forward to my "formal" introduction to the newly wedded couple. Alas, he, the groom, spent most of his night dancing with his bride, so I never had the opportunity to introduce myself. I left it to the groom's father to carry on the joke upon their return.

So, on my only night off for the rest of the month, I crashed a wedding and partied the night away. Now, it's time to dash off to another wedding, which I won't be an uninvited guest, rather a hired hand working to make sure every one of their guests has a good time. I hope everyone had as good a laugh as I had over this story.


At September 03, 2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Cheryl said...

I think now you just have to see the movie...

At September 05, 2006 12:50 AM, Blogger Grant said...

I've been told by a number of people that I have done pretty much what's in the movie, except for taking a girl home with me.

Everyone that I have told this story to has told me that I now must see the movie. *grin*

At September 07, 2006 3:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you knew someone connected with the wedding though... A few years ago an aunt of mine had a huge birthday party for her 50th. She'd hired a cameraman to video it and when we were all watching it back afterwards there were a couple there knocking back champagne and saying "Happy Birthday Gylly!".

Not one person knew who they were. I think its pretty ballsy to do that!


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