The parole of a shy person: Not a word and a number already

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Not a word and a number already

Regretably, I continue to not be as prolific as I desire to be. Especially in light of the fact that a year has passed since I started writing my innermost thoughts for all the world to see. My intended emancipation from my introverted self and it passed quietly in the night.

These past two weeks hjave been a whirlwind of getting used to new professors, lamenting the unreasonably high costs of books, cursing the publishers who charge over a hundred dollars for an eighty page technical manual, catching up with friends I haven't seen since the summer began and in terms of relationships, picking up right where it left off before the summer began.

Yes, I have been very quiet about my relationship prospects. Much like the typical summer weather, they dried up and disappeared in the heat. Or so I thought. Once September started, women have been chasing me. I'm starting to feel a bit hunted. I will discuss one of these that happened in these past two weeks in this post.

These past few weekends have been abundantly filled with weddings. I've attended six of them since that last one I sort of invited myself to. Being one of the rare few asian road techs in the area, I often find myself out of place at the typical American wedding. Asians don't seem to hire my company out much to entertain during their weddings, so I don't get to go to many asian weddings.

Imagine my surprise when I stood by the DJ one night at a wedding and caught sight of this asian female staring right at me while dancing with her non-asian date. I couldn't hide my amused smile. I kept the smile on my face and made clear that I was just surveying the entire room. Yet, in the corner of my eye, I could see her and I could see that her attention was fully upon me as she danced with her date. This guy even glanced a few times in my direction but always saw that I was looking elsewhere.

After a few songs like this, his face clouded up and he went to sit down, apparently refusing to dance anymore. She sat down for a song or two, then got up to dance with some other females on the dance floor. At this point, I admit that she had my attention, as I was curious to see what she would do. When the song ended, she walked up to the DJ booth and ostensibly requested Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.

I could feel her eyes on me even as I looked in the other direction. Then as the song came on, she stood three feet in front of the booth and started dancing for all she was worth. I couldn't ignore her at this point. The videographer was standing directly opposite of me and taping her as she danced. I was assuredly going to end up on the wedding video.

Now, I'm not a homewrecker. I wasn't even trying to play hard to get. I really don't like stealing girlfriends. But, I was very tempted to borrow this one. I knew that dance was just for me, and she was not unattractive. I could still see her date seated at the table, arms crossed and a glare on his face. I chose not to roll the dice that evening, as sorely tempted as I was. Call me what you will, but I tried to do the right thing.

As I type this, I am staring at a slip of paper with her number on it. She gave it to the DJ before leaving for the night. He passed it on to me with that knowing smile on his face before we started to pack up the equipment. He even made a few off color suggestions.

I've never been given any girl's phone number before. I'm much more used to being the one giving out my number, hoping one will call me back. I'm not even sure I want to go through with this. If she's willing to leave one guy without even speaking to the next, what will she do in the future?

I may be overanalyzing this, but remember, I haven't spoken a single word to this girl, and I have her phone number already. I'm going to have to decide soon, as I doubt she'll wait very long for my call.


At September 18, 2006 10:04 AM, Blogger alannajoy said...

OK... GRANT, 2 words: CALL HER!

I understand how you could think- if she will do this while being on a "date" with one guy, then what will she do in the future...- But honestly, you can't help who you are attracted to and in the end, you are going to gravitate towards the person that captures your attention no matter what the stakes are.

So take this event as a twist of fate and know that if this is the first number you've gotten without actually inquiring or speaking or offering up your own digits instead, then it must mean that somehow the universe is looking out for you, and when you are lucky enough to get such strong signals- take action! And write your next post about the outcome!!



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