The parole of a shy person: Contemplations on a green eyed girl

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Contemplations on a green eyed girl

More than a foot of snow and no end in sight. Hrmm.... I think I may be doing a lot of shovelling tonight. In the meantime, I leave you with something I wrote yesterday but didn't get a chance to post:

I am writing this from my comfortable seat at Panera Bread. Today, I saw that girl with the uniquely colored eyes again. I was walking up to get myself another cup of coffee. I happened to glance away from the coffee island and I saw her sitting at a table. As I glanced at her, she looked up and glanced at me. Since I have already mentioned that I have a predilection to staring, I chose to turn my attention back to getting coffee for her sake. I was surpised to see her here again. One of the things I valued about eating here is that I get to see all walks of life here and now that I have been here on a semi-regular basis, I am now starting to notice the regulars.

What I couldn't help notice was the contrast in her expression from the first time I noticed her. Today, her expression was much more serious looking. Perhaps, it was because she didn't have a male friend to impress or joke around with. Perhaps it is because some large, over-commercialized, florist enrichening event is drawing near and her prospects are about as good as mine are. Yet somehow, I imagine that I don't meet her physical profile of a guy she would be interested in dating (in light of the guy she came in with the last time), so it didn't surprise me that I didn't get a welcoming smile from her.

As I sit here sipping my coffee, I watched her get up, refill her cup with soda and walk out the door. What struck me most about my first impression of her and this second sighting is that alone, she was much more closed. By closed, I mean that she was drawn into herself. And as I watched her walk away to who knows where, I noticed how she hugged her possesions closer to her as if to ward off strangers. Perhaps it was merely the chill of the weather, since it is about twenty five degrees outside and likely to snow tonight. But the action made me wonder about myself. Do I, like this green eyed girl, close myself off from others when I am alone? Does my body language say to others that I want to be alone?

Being unable to observe myself, I find it hard to tell.


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