The parole of a shy person: Can I have an interview?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Can I have an interview?

I've spent much of the weekend writing up resumes. I had forgotten how much of a pain it is to tailor resumes to positions I am applying for at different companies. I have submitted a few applications, but nothing promising so far. It seems nobody I have gone to is really interested in offering interviews on the weekends because they are either too busy or the manager I need to speak to is not in.

Probably the most aggravating thing about filling in applications would be finding professional references that I have known for one year. My previous company had a strict policy of referring all calls about past employees to H.R., so the people I remain friendly with from that company aren't eligble. Finding older references are much harder, since some have moved on to other companies, or I have lost contact with them.

I also happened on another blog site that actually attempts to help people find jobs. It's geared more towards finding a full time job, so it doesn't help me as much. It does offer some useful stories and universal tips on getting the job though. Here's the link:

Most likely, this coming week will offer few posts from me as I will be spending most of my waking hours that aren't in class looking and interviewing. Wish me luck!


At February 06, 2006 11:35 AM, Blogger JM said...

Good luck!

At February 07, 2006 11:33 PM, Blogger Grant said...



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