The parole of a shy person: Soup of the day

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Soup of the day

So I was reading this interesting recipe which I decided to try out yesterday.

This is how it came out:

For your amusement and greater entertainment, here are some things I learned while making it:
  • Leeks are related to onions, therefore cut them quickly!
  • You really ought to cut off the roots on leeks before cutting them up
  • A clove of garlic does not equal to the entire bulb of garlic
  • If you don't know the culinary meaning of something, look it up before starting on the recipe!
  • If you buy something new to make use of the recipe (ie. the blender), learn how to use it first!
  • Blender carafes open on the top and bottom.
If I ever learn how to save a dish that has become too salty (possibly from having put in 16 cloves of garlic), I would be only too happy to share that information. Other than being too salty for my tastes, it tasted great. Now, to drink an entire bottle of Listerine to kill my continuing garlic breath and then I am off to a party!


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