The parole of a shy person: Is it so wrong?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Is it so wrong?

It may sound callous and even cruel, however, I have to confess. I find it funny when I see a rude, obnoxious person ensnared in a tarry (as in tar pit, not late) situation. They desperately look around for assistance only to discover that they have alienated all of those who might lend a helping hand. I don't mean it's funny in a good way either. Usually, in a situation like this, I can only watch from a distance, so far removed that I can't even think about offering them assistance. Nothing I can say or do will have any effect on their situation. Kind of like watching tv.

I don't mean the people who have troubles find them unwittingly, I speak of people who are consistently rude and obnoxious to others, and show the "hate." These are the people who make their own lives interesting by offending those around them and then discover that what they have sowed is returned upon them with interest. Great, humongus, excrutiatingly large amounts of interest. Oodles of interest. I've always thought that it is a good thing when someone gets what they deserve, both good and bad.

I know, it's not very nice and very petty of me. I don't mean to say that finding these mishaps funny is a good thing. (Will I also reap what I sow?) Suffice to say, it will always be entertaining. Like a natural disaster. You can't help but be fascinated by the horror of it. Nor can you ignore it. Best of all, it's all real and unstaged. So I ask, is it so wrong?


At December 11, 2005 7:41 AM, Blogger Beth said...

I LOVE it when that happens. When nasty people get theirs...

My favourite situation is when someone hasn't invited you to something but had invited almost everyone else and a third party mentions it in front of you both.

The inviter gets a look of "F&%k!!! I didn't invite them and now they know..."

Possibly the most satisfying facial expression in the world.

At December 11, 2005 5:04 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

NOT wrong at all! What you dish out comes back. Sometimes we're privvy to the moments when it comes back to the people who dish it out. And I must say - it usually makes for some great entertainment.

At December 13, 2005 9:51 AM, Blogger alannajoy said...

hahaha... hate to say it but, sorta IS damn entertaining!

At December 13, 2005 6:00 PM, Blogger JM said...

I do believe whatever you put out there, comes back.


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