The parole of a shy person: Christmas Eve Re-cap

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Eve Re-cap

I was daydreaming on the drive into the city today to celebrate Christmas with half of my extended family. Worse yet, I was daydreaming while driving and almost missed the exit to the BQE and almost ended up in Midtown instead of the LES. I've been a licensed driver for more than ten years, and I've never daydreamed while driving in rush hour traffice before. The good thing is that I've gotten so used to stop and go traffic that I can go on automatic. If my passenger, aka mom, hadn't reminded me that we had to get off the LIE, I'd have been navigating through the streets of Manhattan around 34th street.

What was I daydreaming about? It's embarrasing to admit it: I was daydreaming about a girl like a love struck teenager. Yep, dormant hormones that I thought I had sloughed off as a teenager once again raged through my body causing havoc to my nervous system and I started to daydream. While driving. With passengers. Fortunately, I was able to push off the fog of testosterone during the party and enjoyed it thoroughly.

And while I've observed it in passing before, however, I was not the only single guy there. Safety in numbers, I say. We gathered in a corner and started swapping off-color innuendoes. We watched the Christmas Story for the umpteenth time. Presents were opened and I received money in various forms. As a poor college student, they were exactly what I wanted. (I might even be able to afford my next semester now.) We also had a mystery grab bag thing and I won a Gerber early stage juice fruit snack box. Yay. I swapped it with my cousin, who has a two year old daughter. In return, I received a doggy bone shaped carabiner clip with blue led light. Fair trade as far as I'm concerned. Even if it's purple. My keys will eventually wear away the anodizing.

The twist for this grab bag thing is that one of the presents had a sticker on it and the winner gets an additional prize. This year, the prize followed the theme of the Christmas Story. It was this: A leg lamp night light.

Then we went home, and I went back to daydreaming. In a fog of testosterone again. Fortunately, my dad was driving this time. He was in the city earlier in the day and we met up there. I look forward to tomorrow morning and that moment of truth when our gifts to each other are opened. *grin*


At December 25, 2005 6:20 PM, Blogger Beth said...

That leg lamp is kinda cool in a kitsch-y sort of way.

By the way...theres nothing wrong with a little daydreaming every now and then ;0)

Merry Christmas!!

At December 25, 2005 11:51 PM, Blogger Grant said...

I would say so too about that lamp, however, I wouldn't want to own it. Which is why everyone else laughed at the poor person who received it. He was graceful enough to laugh about it too.


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