The parole of a shy person: No procrastination here

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

No procrastination here

I have this habit of showing up early to my appointments. It gives me some time to compose myself and relax a bit before something stressful like a job interview. I can remove myself from the irritation that I felt from transporting myself there and switch my focus on to some different task. (Like distancing myself from that episode of dodging that woman who was driving seventy miles per hour while attempting to put on eyeliner as she wove in an out of traffic. For the love of all that's good, just pull over, put the stuff on and then go back to driving!)

I also like to practice this habit for class. However, there's a less noble reason for developing this habit. It gives me time to find out if there was "home" work assigned the previous class we met and give myself a chance to complete it before class starts. There have been times where finishing it just before class has prepared me for the surprise quiz my sadistic professors like to spring on us to see if we actually did the homework. (They're not really sadistic, but trying to help us learn the material. Not that this helps those who haven't made any effort at all.)

As usual, I showed up to class earlier today, about an hour early thinking I would get some lab work done, maybe even study for a final. About twenty minutes later, engineering girl walks in. So much for doing lab work and studying. We started chatting for a bit and I finally decided to broach the subject of her "friend in the wheel chair."

I hadn't seen him in the past few weeks, and well, things between the two of us have been moving at a very fast pace. Perhaps too fast without know what was going on. So, I decided that I would work up the gumption to ask what the deal was between these two.

I mentioned casually that I hadn't seen her friend in a while. She told me that he's a graphic artist, and has been busy on a project that needed to be completed before finals. She also told me that his work was on display at a local art gallery, and she had been invited to attend. I asked her if she was going to it, and she sort of shrugged as if to say, "Who knows?" Then she asked me about some problem that she couldn't solve and we began to work on that.

Ok, as everyone can see, I chickened out. I know, I had the opportunity, not to mention the privacy, to ask the question and I couldn't bring myself to ask her. An opportunity that I let slip through my fingers. What can I say other than that I am not sure I want to know the answer.

Kind of like having a cat in a box and being told that the cat might be alive or it might be dead. The only way to find out is to open the box. The thing is, you're not sure if you want to open the box to find a dead cat.

Besides that, there's MK, the other girl who has seemingly expressed interest in me. I know she's single, and she also has been willing to spend a significant amount of her personal time with me. I know that I don't have the type of personal magnetism that draws women to me. Besides that, she is also mathematically inclined, so talking with her also happens to be an unexpected pleasure for me. Add into that mix, she's got this really upbeat personality that keeps me smiling.

I keep telling myself that I will deal with this situation after finals are over. The only fallacy to putting off this decision is that I start summer classes a week after finals are over, and I will see engineering girl in those classes. And, since elementry and high school's almost out around that time, I will be seeing MK more often too. I know I need to choose between the two women. Yet, I keep thinking that there's some time before I must make that decision. I'm sure any number of people really feel sorry for me as I suffer through my dilemna. Ok, maybe not.


At May 18, 2006 10:58 AM, Blogger JM said...

I think everyone has chickened out a time or two with the opposite sex.
I need to get to appointments--whether it be class or others, early also. Something about punctuality--I like being on time.

At May 18, 2006 1:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Either way, you'll have a woman :) It's not every day in real that a man gets to choose between two of them like that.


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