The parole of a shy person: What women want?

Friday, October 14, 2005

What women want?

I was sitting at Panera Bread during the lunch hours, working on my laptop, being soothed by the random noises and words surrounding me as I concentrated on (catching up on) my engineering work. As often happens here, my ears will catch a snippet of conversation that will interest me and I will listen for a while in the guise of looking stumped and concentrating on my screen. Seriously, I have better things to do, but it helps my concentration if I have something to distract me every once in a while. Besides, with my lack of prospects, I need to find some form of entertainment. It's rather funny to see that Overheard in NY was recently in the paper. I don't live in NYC, so they won't get this from me. It really is because our lives are so boring and staid that we listen to (eavesdrop?) other people's conversations. It's not like they're talking quietly anyway.

On this particular day, two men in their power blue dress shirts and slacks sat down at a table and started to eat their meal. As I was working, I overheard a snippet: "It's getting to the point where I just want to hump her." Suddenly, I was all ears. This came from the guy with the tonsured hairdo. The other guy, trying to defend his happy(?) marriage responded that this was something less than safe. Tonsured responds with, "Yeah, I know. You know what my fantasy is? I tell her that I'm going to leave my front door open and she drops in." Tonsured goes on with some very sordid and graphic details and concludes, "This is only a fantasy, you know?" The other guy responds that this isn't likely to happen. After this, I stop listening and go back to concentrating on my work.

The only thing is, I am still thinking on that conversation. My thought was, "Wow, what a pig." I'm a guy, and some of the things he had said simply make all guys look bad. And yet, he's more likely to get the girl than I am. Think of it this way. He's got a job, which is probably stable and he is established. I'm unemployed, living check to check, and racking up the credit card debt trying to pay off my schooling. He's aggressive, and will let that woman know what he wants if he wants to. I will give subtle hints (that are often misread) and see that girl walk out the door without giving me a second thought. His attitude is confident, which lends him an air of "control." On the other hand, I am quiet and shy, and will seem diffident or aloof, making it hard for the girl to get close or feel comfortable with getting into a conversation with me. He'll undress her with his eyes, and I will look intensely into them. He will know what chest size she is and I will know what color her eyes are and whether she has freckles. He will say something that relaxes her, and I will say something that will offend her. He sees her as a bunch of body parts and I see the entire package. He comes off as a self-assured, affluent, and confident guy. I come off as the one you keep an eye on because he might be a stalker.

So, tell me again, why do females go for someone like Tonsured and not me? I pay attention to them, and they get uncomfortable. Or is it as Chris Rock says, "Women are all LIARS." The things women say they want aren't really what they want. Is it really because they want to have the feeling of accomplishment that they saved or corrected someone's wayward habits? I'll be the first to think otherwise because I have listened to conversations when the ones they've "saved" act no different when their significant other aren't around. Perhaps I may be giving them up, but sometimes, curdled milk can't be saved.

Or perhaps, maybe it *is* all a matter of perception. Perhaps, I should perceive less and look at more. Objectify, not identify with? All matter is constituted of smaller parts. If I see the smaller parts better, will that make it easier to see the bigger picture? Maybe I should know if she has a great ass, whether she's wearing a thong, and be able to eyeball someone's chest and know the size and measurement. Or, maybe I should go rent that movie Mel Gibson was in, What Women Want. Will I finally understand what they see in someone like Tonsured? Or should I rent Old School? If I act the jerk, will I suddenly attract women like flies to honey? Or is that type of understanding like trying to touch the stars?


At October 15, 2005 12:41 AM, Blogger Susanne said...

I loved this post Grant. Do not, repeat, do not find out 'what women want' from the Mel Gibson movie.

It sucks that the nice guys out there like yourself are not getting as many chicks as the power-suited guys you mentioned.

I can only go by my own experience but there is something that is kind of attractive about that masculine, anamalistic side of men that comes out in those sort of men.

That said, most of the guys I've gone out with have had a pretty strong emotional side too. The problem is that if they do have this side, sometimes you can perceive them as weak.

Don't change yourself, just don't be afraid to play the 'guy' role sometimes. :)

At October 15, 2005 9:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think you CAN learn what women want. Just like each man has his own fantasy of what an excellent woman would be, so do women. You can talk to girl friends and see what they want, but as soon as you get a clear picture and try it out with the object of your affection, you'll find she wants something totally different. I don't like the manly-men. I prefer to see my man cry, to have REALLY interesting conversation, and to get a voice in activities. But that is not what all women want.

Here is your big issue: attracting the woman you want. See, you might have your sights set on woment who DO want that other kind of guy. That may be your problem. It may not be that woment are not interested in you, per say, but the kind of woment you are interested in are not interested in you.

I like you shy, introspective, and looking into my eyes. (But come on, I know you want to look at my tits, too - they are spectacular!)

At October 15, 2005 9:36 PM, Blogger Grant said...

Lol. Two differing opinions. What's an already confused guy to do? This Jekyll and Hyde complex might be the death of me. (ha ha)


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