The parole of a shy person: Want some wine with that...

Monday, October 03, 2005

Want some wine with that...

I've decided to take on a new hobby: making wine. (I found another unemployment check, which had gone missing, in a stack of junk mail. So, instead of paying the bills, I'm spending it. Perhaps, I may have money management issues.) Yep, that's me, the pioneering asian wine maker. I told this to a friend and he told me that he had never heard of an asian who made wine. (He has such great trust in me to not screw it up because he is asking for a bottle when it is done.) Well, if noodles can go to Italy, wine can come to China.

Since this is a spur of the moment thing, I found the closest place that sold a wine making kit and bought it. So, now I am feeling much like I am back in the chem lab as I mix various powders into a large 8 gallon plastic bucket. Only, this time, instead of pouring the concoction down the sink when I am done, I'm ultimately going to drink some 20-30 bottles of this stuff. I wussed out and bought a grape juice kit. I further emasculated myself by reading the damnable instructions. They claim it is four easy steps. We shall see.

I'm making something I can't even pronounce: Cabernet Sauvignon   The guy who sold it to me had a strange look on his face when I told him what I wanted to make. I think he was trying to stifle his laughter from hearing me mangle it so badly. I understand it is supposed to be pronounced cab-er-nay sav-in-yon. I made myself tongue-tied trying to pronounce the latter word. (It could be worse, I suppose. I could have asked for the cabinet savior kit.)

I could have made beer. And I could be drinking sooner if I had made beer. I just couldn't resist making something I might drink a few years from now. Besides, if I had made beer, my friends would come over and polish it all off in one sitting. Well, in six weeks, I will find out if I threw away more money or if this is something drinkable. Alright, some people will say that if it's alcoholic, it's drinkable. I happen to like enjoying the taste of things too.


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