The parole of a shy person: Battle of the soccer moms

Friday, September 23, 2005

Battle of the soccer moms

In this corner, we have one Toyota Highlander in tan, weighing 3750 lbs, with a record of 0 wins and 0 losses and being driven by soccer mom #1. In the other corner, we have one Chrysler Town and Country in forest green, weighing 4238 lbs, with a record of 0 wins and 0 losses and being driven by soccer mom #2.

Ok, only clean hits are allowed, no blind siding and no hits below the belt. *Ding* *Ding*

Yup, I heard the dull crunch of car hitting another car and caught in my rear view mirror the image of soccer mom #1 who made an ill advised left turn on to the street I had turned into being crushed by soccer mom #2 who didn't slow down fast enough. What made this woman think she could somehow use the draft of my car making that left turn would protect her from the oncoming soccer mom #2? Needless to say, the image of two very large vehicles colliding plays through my mind and the only thought is:

Stupid soccer mom! What were you thinking? You could never have made that turn after me. You should have waited until after that minivan passed.

Granted, I may have skirted danger myself by making the left turn in the first place, but what was soccer mom #1 thinking? I barely had enough room to make the turn before soccer mom #2 made it to the intersection. What form of daftness makes one think, "Oh, that little black car made it, I will follow him onto that street even though he almost got hit by that green minivan?" So instead of waiting, yielding right of way like a knowledgable driver would, she gets t-boned instead.

I admit that I am not a perfect driver, but damn it. I know when to stop and let someone else go so that I don't get into an accident. I know what right of way means. It means not forcing a left turn in the face of traffic. Is it a coincidence that these were both female drivers? I don't know enough to say. It makes one wonder where the spatial judgement was when she made the turn.

On the other hand, on my return trip from the supermarket, I see another female driver in her black Camry with her right turn light flashing, doing twenty miles per hour over 500 feet away from the nearest intersection. And then she makes the turn at the intersection and then decides that now is a good time to come to a complete stop in the middle of the road with two cars behind her.

Huuuuullo? This isn't the supermarket aisle. It is not ok to stop in the middle of the road. Heck, it isn't ok to do that in the supermarket aisle either, but at least there you won't get killed for doing it.

I wonder what would happen if every driver were required to go through the driver's road test every ten years to renew their license? And if you didn't pass, you had to re-take the entire test again before being allowed to drive? Add to that, changing the resultant fine for driving without a license to something like thirty to ninety days in jail and a $2000 fine for the first offense. I think it would put an end to a lot of idiot drivers that roll through stop signs and forget to yield right of way on the roads. And as an added bonus, it would get all the geriatric ward bound drivers off the roads. *sigh*

Ok, I am done with my delusional episode now. Oh yeah, back to the bout: Both contenders lose out and end up with 0 and 1 records.


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