The parole of a shy person: Now looking for a...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Now looking for a...

I might as well weigh in on today's gas prices with a short blurb about to how it affects me. (Yeah, I am self-centered. This blog is about me anyway. So, sue me. Not that I have more than a few pennies to rub together anyway.)

Coffee. Ahhhh. The ambrosia of the sleep deprived. Local coffee places (ie. D'n'D, Starbucks, etc.) are now charging $0.10 to $0.65 more per cup. I hear you get horrible headaches, serious constipation and the shakes when you go cold turkey off caffeine. I may soon experience this first hand. It won't be pretty.

I doubt that there will any chance that we will see the price drop below $2.99 for regular in the coming six months. With yet another hurricane hitting the area yet again that produces 25% of our fuel (according to a local paper, which I don't feel like finding), prices will undoubtedly rise past $3.99 rather than drop. Gone are the days when $10 could fill your entire tank. (Does this make me an old man to remember such a time?) And now I'm hearing that Rita, the latest disaster to hit the gulf coast, is now a category 5 storm.

I think that this unemployed, re-educating-himself student will have to ditch his ride. I can't afford $40 fills anymore. I'll have to see if there is such a thing as mass transit out here where I go for my education. Or perhaps a motorcycle. I was looking at this interesting one from Honda or maybe this one from Kawasaki. After I recovered from my sticker shock, I started looking in my price range of $1500. Nothing to be had that resembles a cruiser. Even this one on craigslist would be nice. Oh if I had money.


At September 22, 2005 11:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Holy crap! I was just thinking the other day that when I used to drive the old ginormous Mercury Marqui that my parents gave me as a hand-me-down I could fill up for the week on a $10 bill! And that was only 10 years ago. At the rate I am going now, I'll need a bank loan to fill up in 2015!


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