The parole of a shy person: Give me a break. Twice.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Give me a break. Twice.

I broke my hand last year, about mid-December. I didn't whine about it by posting here because there wasn't really anything I could do about it. No medical coverage and, of course, no regular income to pay for anyone to wrap it up. Besides, it was probably only a fracturing of the bone. nothing to do but take it easy. Right.

I spent most of December and January working as a photographer. All the while, shooting with a broken hand. It had finally started to heal enough that I didn't notice it any more. Until this week. That is, when I broke it again. Using my hand as a hammer to close shut a metal container. It wasn't that I was unaware of it, I was. And I was being careful.

It just so happened that the lid started to open again, and I hit it harder than usual. At the wrong angle. As the tears welled up in my eyes from pain, I knew exactly what I did wrong.

I still have full use of my hand, so I know I probably only aggravated the fracture. But, Man! Did it ever hurt.


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